This is my diary blog. I write things that happen in my days here. This diary is not aimed to expose my private things, but I just purpose it as a record that I can refer to later.


Day #3

Today I had so much fun in the kind of place that in the recent years, I rarely went to. It had been a long time I didn't feel such a tiredness, but it felt great. Finally, I felt like other normal people again that sometimes were tired, needed to rest, but overall, they had fun.
I and friends from Jogja English went to a tourism village, located in Desa Pentingsari, Cangkringan. Actually we planned to go there at early in the morning, in order to avoid traffic jam, but we ended up going there at 7.15 a.m (Indonesian culture, indeed).
Desa Pentingsari is one of tourism villages in Jogja that provided a campsite and recreation ground. Visitors could pitch a tent, play games, and enjoy the fresh air there (I myself really enjoyed the air, it was so fresh and the temperature was a bit cool). It was quite as well, because the village was far from the city crowd. What a perfect place to go!
The activities we did there were so fun. We had to walk through a single path to reach some spots where we were supposed to play several games. On the first spot, we were divided into four groups, then on the second one we played 'Get the Coin-game' and 'Blind-game'; went on to the third spot we played 'Making Up-game; on the next spot we played 'Spider Web-game'; while we played 'Dressing Up-game, Trust-game, and Quiz on the last spot. So much tiring but so much fun, really worth it.
Other than those fun games, today was my beloved husband's birthday as well. Actually I planned to buy him a birthday tart cake, but I was too tired to walk to supermarket, even the nearest one. Even without a tart cake, today was still his birthday, right? Eventually we went to Baskom to have dinner, not the romantic one I guessed.
The dinner was supposed to be nice, for the menu was something we loved very much, but what we saw was too heartbreaking to stay silent about. No more comfort after we saw an elderly woman was sitting by the parking lot, she seemed to try selling few goods arranged neatly in front of her. Oh God, how on Earth did this happen? She was too elderly to sit there and sell those goods by herself, she should have been home and enjoyed her evening with her children taking care of her. I was about to cry looking at her, but my husband allowed me to help her by buying some eggs she was selling. Although, I couldn't buy all of eggs she was selling, but at least I had done something.


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