This is my diary blog. I write things that happen in my days here. This diary is not aimed to expose my private things, but I just purpose it as a record that I can refer to later.
I'm not sure if I had many friends, because after I graduated from high school six years ago, nobody had contacted me but these friends that I believe to be my best friends (we hung out a lot during high school indeed) :

  1. Wahyu Puspita Ningtyas (she is a year older than me, but 5 years cuter than me, hahaha :D)
  2. Wahid Nur Hidayah
  3. Siti Nurhalimah (she is more like a sister to me)
  4. Riadatun Nadya (I'm just 2 days older than her)
  5. Jeffa Maulina
When I was in the college, I found good friends as well, some of them were my roommates in the dorm, and the rest were my classmates.

  1. Titin Auliya'
  2. Nuning Rahayu
  3. Fathimatus Zahra
  4. Arizka Nefi
  5. Whyta Fitria
  6. Maftuchah Dwi
  7. Falila Anjarsari
I rarely see them now, because I live too far away from them, but thanks to Facebook for connecting us anytime. Good friends are those who share their happiness and sadness with you, but best friends are those who keep sharing their happiness and sadness with you although distance separated you from them, right?


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