This is my diary blog. I write things that happen in my days here. This diary is not aimed to expose my private things, but I just purpose it as a record that I can refer to later.


Day #6

What a perfect Sunday morning, with a glass of milk and a bowl of tasty noddle. I just want this perfect day to last a bit longer before busy days come back again. Anyway, how to do that?
Yesterday was as perfect as today, but it couldn't last longer either. It just flew like an arrow, no matter how fun it was, it ended just like the other days. But I thanked God, because I still had a chance to enjoy it. I went to Kaliurang with my husband, to refresh our tired minds.
Truthfully, I like my daily activities now, preparing lesson plans, teaching, and chatting with many people everyday, but tomorrow won't be that simple I guess. It may be only my prejudice, but I don't think that tomorrow will be as fun as few days ago, since tomorrow I'll start teaching a first grader kid, privately in his parents' home. What a pain. I don't know why people ask for private classes, meanwhile having classmates is more fun.
I myself prefer teaching in a big class to teaching in a private class. In my opinion, a big class has more fun, because I can meet many people, know their personalities, chat with them, and laugh with them, but what about a private class? I don't know, it still makes me confused. It feels so awkward to stay in a class with a student for an hour and a half. And it gets worse when an uncomfortable silence follows your short talk. That's why I don't really like teaching in a private class.
Different stories happened a few days ago, when I had to replace mbak Ine to teach a global class. I met new friendly people. For two hours and a half I had fun with them, starting from playing a game, singing along, making conversation, and a short discussion. The following days, I had to do that again, since mbak Ine was not available to teach. Although it was not as successful as I expected, but overall, I had fun again with them.
Teaching that kind of class is just what I want instead of teaching private classes. But I can't do anything about that (I mean to choose what class to teach), the only thing I have to do is learning more and more. Keep complaining won't make everything better, even worse. So I just have to smile on teaching private classes and believe that everything will be alright.  


Day #5

Being so busy for two days had made me away from the dashboard, and I couldn't spare my time to write. These two days passed quickly as I became so busy with the task from the trainer (I had to make an observation in the class, at least once) and the preparation for my first class.
I managed to make an observation on Active-class (a class for those who want to enhance their speaking skill). I wasn't sure that I had learnt many things, since I didn't pay much attention to the class, I was kind of blank at that time.
I went home from my observation in the evening with my sweet husband. A few meters before we reached home, we saw the elderly man from the other day who collected the trash from the garbage dump. My husband saw him for the first time, and he pitied him. He stopped the motorbike, and asked me to give him a little help. At that time, I saw a young man selling siomay ran into him and gave him money. It was so touching to realize that although he was just a siomay seller that didn't earn much money, but he was willingly to share with others. I thanked God for I knew that this kind of person had been in existence.
Yesterday I taught my first student in Jogja English, my only student I meant (since it was a private class). Her name was Zetanya, but she preferred to be called Fanya. I didn't know if she liked me from the first meeting or not, because she was shy or something. Actually I tried to make a casual conversation with her, I elicited the information about her interests and daily life, but she didn't seem to be excited in the conversation. I didn't know if it was because she had just met me for the first time, or because I wasn't interesting enough. I was a bit disappointed of myself, truthfully, and I was afraid that she didn't understand the materials I delivered yesterday. Okay, everyone made mistakes, and it was one of mine. For the next meeting, I would try harder to make her excited, and to make sure that she understood.


Day #4

Today was as great as yesterday, even more. My husband was coming home this morning from a trip to Tulungagung by bus (I was extremely lonely without him for about 2 days). For I missed him so much, I really wanted to pick him up in the bus shelter, but unluckily, I couldn't ride the motorbike (because the key was with him). So I guessed it would be alright to pick him up by foot. Actually I decided to just walk, but then I ran to the bus shelter. I was on the way  to the bus shelter when I got a call from my husband, I thought that he was going to say that could not wait to see me anymore, but I was wrong. He sad that he has been right in home. What a silly husband I have...
I attended the training just like planned, and I joined the movie geek's meeting as well. What made today became so great was I went to office by motorbike for the first time. Wasn't that great, heh? Of course I didn't take the route my husband usually took, but I took the less crowded one in order to avoid a trouble.
The concept of Movie geek's meeting actually was interesting, but unfortunately the movie was so boring. We watched a sort of drama action movie, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and set in some middle east countries. Of course it was full of bombing scene, as the plot of the movie was a CIA agent (Leonardo DiCaprio) was in a mission to track a terrorist named Al-Saleem. Despite that, the movie was very long too, so I was kind of sink watching the movie, but I thanked God when Mbak Novi decided to end the meeting (so did the movie).
In the evening, I hung out with my sweet husband, we went to Kopi Joss Angkringan (a kind of sidewalk cafe) and enjoyed many delicious stuffs. .


Day #3

Today I had so much fun in the kind of place that in the recent years, I rarely went to. It had been a long time I didn't feel such a tiredness, but it felt great. Finally, I felt like other normal people again that sometimes were tired, needed to rest, but overall, they had fun.
I and friends from Jogja English went to a tourism village, located in Desa Pentingsari, Cangkringan. Actually we planned to go there at early in the morning, in order to avoid traffic jam, but we ended up going there at 7.15 a.m (Indonesian culture, indeed).
Desa Pentingsari is one of tourism villages in Jogja that provided a campsite and recreation ground. Visitors could pitch a tent, play games, and enjoy the fresh air there (I myself really enjoyed the air, it was so fresh and the temperature was a bit cool). It was quite as well, because the village was far from the city crowd. What a perfect place to go!
The activities we did there were so fun. We had to walk through a single path to reach some spots where we were supposed to play several games. On the first spot, we were divided into four groups, then on the second one we played 'Get the Coin-game' and 'Blind-game'; went on to the third spot we played 'Making Up-game; on the next spot we played 'Spider Web-game'; while we played 'Dressing Up-game, Trust-game, and Quiz on the last spot. So much tiring but so much fun, really worth it.
Other than those fun games, today was my beloved husband's birthday as well. Actually I planned to buy him a birthday tart cake, but I was too tired to walk to supermarket, even the nearest one. Even without a tart cake, today was still his birthday, right? Eventually we went to Baskom to have dinner, not the romantic one I guessed.
The dinner was supposed to be nice, for the menu was something we loved very much, but what we saw was too heartbreaking to stay silent about. No more comfort after we saw an elderly woman was sitting by the parking lot, she seemed to try selling few goods arranged neatly in front of her. Oh God, how on Earth did this happen? She was too elderly to sit there and sell those goods by herself, she should have been home and enjoyed her evening with her children taking care of her. I was about to cry looking at her, but my husband allowed me to help her by buying some eggs she was selling. Although, I couldn't buy all of eggs she was selling, but at least I had done something.


Day #2

Today was as great as yesterday. I attended the EPS (English Performance Show) meeting to make a final checking of the whole preparation, but unfortunately only few instructors attended. I got my first class instruments for the first time as well, for my debut on the next Wednesday. I was kind of excited when mbak Rini handed me those instruments, but I felt disappointed too when she told me that I had to make my own syllabus for the class. What a pain, but it was not a big deal anyway, not big enough to destroy my day. Overall, everything went well.
On the next Wednesday, I will be having my first student, I hope that she will get along well with me. You know, the first meeting usually is sort of awkward, because you don't have many things to talk about. But, everything will be just alright after you pass the first meeting, right?


Day #1

Today went well. The teacher training was conducted for two hours this afternoon, but I just felt it like a half hour instead. It was because the trainers were fun people, they made the whole class full of cheer. I loved that. I was also introduced to people in the office and their responsibilities. Great, it would make everything easier if I got something to ask. Besides, all of them were kind of friendly, being in the workplace, I just felt like home. Thanks God for putting me in such a workplace.
Eventhough such good things happened today, I also happened to see a heartbreaking thing this morning. I met an old man, as old as my grandfather I guessed. He rode a bike slowly, from nowhere to a garbage dump. Then he started to stir the garbage, to find something that could be sold. He collected them, and put them in a sack. When I saw him, I directly remembered my grandfather, and thanked God for giving my grandfather a good family that had been taking care of him sincerely. But I felt pity to the old man I was seeing, he had to collect trashes to be sold, in his age.
My husband is waiting for me to have dinner, I've got to go :)

Wuland is...

Hi, I'm Wuland, a newly hired English teacher in one of English Courses in Jogjakarta, Indonesia. I'm married to a best guy I've ever met, but I haven't planned to have child yet. I'm actually a cheerful person, but people mostly are mistaken about me, they tend to think that I'm a sullen person (if I don't smile at them all the time). It is not their own fault anyway, it is just a misunderstanding at the first sight. If they have known me better, they would know that I'm a cheerful one and sometimes in the end they would say, "I thought that you were a sullen and arrogant person, but I was wrong, hahaha..." That's not funny at all. Can't they see that I'm this cute?
I have graduated from English Department with first-class honour, but I'm not so proud of that, because everyone in my workplace hardly knows the university I have attended (so pathetic). It is not their fault, again I say, because the university where I have studied English Literature is not famous, indeed.
I've got to go, chores are waiting.