This is my diary blog. I write things that happen in my days here. This diary is not aimed to expose my private things, but I just purpose it as a record that I can refer to later.


Day #5

Being so busy for two days had made me away from the dashboard, and I couldn't spare my time to write. These two days passed quickly as I became so busy with the task from the trainer (I had to make an observation in the class, at least once) and the preparation for my first class.
I managed to make an observation on Active-class (a class for those who want to enhance their speaking skill). I wasn't sure that I had learnt many things, since I didn't pay much attention to the class, I was kind of blank at that time.
I went home from my observation in the evening with my sweet husband. A few meters before we reached home, we saw the elderly man from the other day who collected the trash from the garbage dump. My husband saw him for the first time, and he pitied him. He stopped the motorbike, and asked me to give him a little help. At that time, I saw a young man selling siomay ran into him and gave him money. It was so touching to realize that although he was just a siomay seller that didn't earn much money, but he was willingly to share with others. I thanked God for I knew that this kind of person had been in existence.
Yesterday I taught my first student in Jogja English, my only student I meant (since it was a private class). Her name was Zetanya, but she preferred to be called Fanya. I didn't know if she liked me from the first meeting or not, because she was shy or something. Actually I tried to make a casual conversation with her, I elicited the information about her interests and daily life, but she didn't seem to be excited in the conversation. I didn't know if it was because she had just met me for the first time, or because I wasn't interesting enough. I was a bit disappointed of myself, truthfully, and I was afraid that she didn't understand the materials I delivered yesterday. Okay, everyone made mistakes, and it was one of mine. For the next meeting, I would try harder to make her excited, and to make sure that she understood.


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