This is my diary blog. I write things that happen in my days here. This diary is not aimed to expose my private things, but I just purpose it as a record that I can refer to later.


Day #6

What a perfect Sunday morning, with a glass of milk and a bowl of tasty noddle. I just want this perfect day to last a bit longer before busy days come back again. Anyway, how to do that?
Yesterday was as perfect as today, but it couldn't last longer either. It just flew like an arrow, no matter how fun it was, it ended just like the other days. But I thanked God, because I still had a chance to enjoy it. I went to Kaliurang with my husband, to refresh our tired minds.
Truthfully, I like my daily activities now, preparing lesson plans, teaching, and chatting with many people everyday, but tomorrow won't be that simple I guess. It may be only my prejudice, but I don't think that tomorrow will be as fun as few days ago, since tomorrow I'll start teaching a first grader kid, privately in his parents' home. What a pain. I don't know why people ask for private classes, meanwhile having classmates is more fun.
I myself prefer teaching in a big class to teaching in a private class. In my opinion, a big class has more fun, because I can meet many people, know their personalities, chat with them, and laugh with them, but what about a private class? I don't know, it still makes me confused. It feels so awkward to stay in a class with a student for an hour and a half. And it gets worse when an uncomfortable silence follows your short talk. That's why I don't really like teaching in a private class.
Different stories happened a few days ago, when I had to replace mbak Ine to teach a global class. I met new friendly people. For two hours and a half I had fun with them, starting from playing a game, singing along, making conversation, and a short discussion. The following days, I had to do that again, since mbak Ine was not available to teach. Although it was not as successful as I expected, but overall, I had fun again with them.
Teaching that kind of class is just what I want instead of teaching private classes. But I can't do anything about that (I mean to choose what class to teach), the only thing I have to do is learning more and more. Keep complaining won't make everything better, even worse. So I just have to smile on teaching private classes and believe that everything will be alright.  


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